Thursday, October 2, 2014

Season for changes

The seasons have changed. In shops and cafes many pumpkin products are already available. I hear more and more talk about how to spend Thanksgiving, and even Christmas!

Privately we are also embarking on new changes. Dean has been offered a dream job in San Francisco. We decided not to pass on such an opportunity.

Quite fast moving, means we need to leave Bellevue. I should be calmer. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an average American moves about eleven times during a lifetime!

It was in Bellevue, however, where I began life American-style.

Recently I completed my first American volunteering experience. For the last two months I helped with a couple of very interesting events organized under by the Culture Diversity Program at Bellevue City Hall.

It is also in Bellevue where I began training for the Human Resources Certificate at the Bellevue Community College. It turns out that I can finish at San Francisco State University.

In Bellevue I have also met a lot of nice people. We will be still living on the West Coast, and hopefully mutual visits should not be a major hassle.

If I am to continue Poczytajki with the youngest generation of Polish emigrants in Seattle,  I should also find a new Polish House.For sure it will be hard to find Dean such a nice and effective Polish teacher.

In September I took part in the project called Changing Faces of Bellevue. A City Hall demographer wanted to get to get to know more the city's residents more personally. In the interview I mentioned that coming to Bellevue was for me a kind of soft landing.

Now it's time for new challenges. It’s time to exchange the Seattle rain for the Californian Golden State sun and the Golden Gate fog. As my teacher from Bellevue Russian School said "you never know where the road will lead you…"

Next week I'm flying to Poland. Vacation in the autumn of Krakow will put me in a relaxing mood before moving.  Please look for my next blog sometime in November.

I am also linking a video of popular hip-hop group from Seattle. Listen carefully to the lyrics in the first minute.
